Monday, February 6, 2012

The excuse cycle

Gentle man
I am a gentlemen.
A gentle man,
man with a touch.
Made from his bone, god realized his mistake and made a gentle man.
Can’t they see I conquer all?
From man came woman, and than came voice.
The voice of disobedience
I will eat the fruit of the forbidden tree,
from sin is where the voice came to be.
Time on the clock began ticking for us
in that moment it was set for us,
That our voices would be black as us.
It all came from this one idea; black is sin, but speaks deeply.
From here the voice was given life, and our life was predetermined.
See it was set in stone who we would be, where we would go, what we would see.
The voice that bound to us, deep injected in our guts, making us into our very own ideas.
Created from the very dirt, the very gentle man.
The sinner the man with the touch.
I was determined from that very moment.
I'm suppose to be this bad.
Good behavior isn't a trait of a gentlemen.
So please excuse this gentle man.

Black Seat

Come sit here.
as we ride slow, as we ride long.
Lets look here.
Out this window, where we see high.
Lets ride deep
into poverty, where voices meet me
meet me, loud and sleek as so did she
Sitting in the same back seat
looking at the same back head
can you hear me?
Same black me, same black feet stalking the same black defeat.
Voices are need, to get out of the same corner seat.
Lets stand here, holding onto these roads.
Same buses busting black voices.
Same black crap with all these noises.
Same back black defeat eating at me
taking me
faking me
for sacking me
damn its aching me
trying to move from the front of this ride
trying to sit in that front row seat.
seat, seat, seat, seat, seat
breaking me.
cracking those muted voices inside of me
crying out to me
hating these burning seats
seats, seats, seats,
those voices creeping up on me
voice shattering me from the back seat
So excuse the back black seat, now the front view window me.

The word Bird

follow buttons, 140 words, hash-tags, and trending topics.
tweet me.
lets turn our race into a trending topic.
lets hash-tag what blacks say in arguments.
lets hash-tag job black people don't have and can't get.
Lets follow the twitter name "you might be ghetto if" because we all knows what it takes to be ghetto
Lets be on team light skin or tam dark skin and say why one is better than the other, when honestly it doesn't matter. you're still black regardless
mocha, carmel, chocolate I didn't realize we were flavors.
I'm gonna tweet some misspelled words because I'm too lazy to type the actual word and will you retweet me? 
let 1,284 followers see that I;m lacking some sort of education and that I fall right into that stereotype.
Retweet it so they can do it too, and before you know it I'm a trending topic.
That topic that never changed that same black topic that stayed the same.
follow the leader right into the unemployment line, because you know thats a black thing.
Twatching- the act of watching ones tweets constantly on twitter, although you may not follow them.
They twatch us because we are entertaining and because our actual voice is irrelevant sorry but I will be relevant.
and my voice will not be contained within a tweet, because 140 words is not enough voice for me.
My experience is everything you can't read but only feel and that is a better understanding.
Tweeting is what you do when you fall short of words but I have too many words
I have lots of fully spelled, english understanding, big words that goes beyond the tiny black voice on twitter.
so excuse me if you can't retweet this because this is my story not your typical trending topic.

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